un seeking real estate photographer (oakland piedmont / montclair) compensation: $150+ I need professional photography help for some real estate photography gigs. At the moment this is not for a specific job, but I'm looking for people available in the East Bay, Marin County, and Alameda County. These are solo jobsyou drive to an address, get inside using info I provide, shoot the job, and deliver me RAW files later the same day so I can have them processed overnight for client delivery. Must have a full-frame digital camera, tripod, something like a 16-35mm zoom, and ideally, a drone and a license to fly it commercially. The most common gigs are twilight shoots, capturing a property at dusk, with all the lights on. Pay is $150+, depending on the specifics. The best candidates for this job already has photography experience. Please a link to some of your work with your response. post id: ... [ ]
Job ID: 469083560
Originally Posted on: 3/13/2025
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